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Events & conferences
16th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conf (Japan)
Oct. 13-17, 2008, Aomori
IRPA 12 - 12th Int'l Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (Argentina)
Oct. 19-24, 2008, Buenos Aires
New Generation Nuclear: From policy to implementation (UK)
Nov. 17-18, 2008, London
3rd Annual European Summit on Next Generation Nuclear New Build (Bulgaria)
Nov. 17-18, 2008, Sofia
Int'l Conf on Topical Issues in Nuclear Installation Safety: Ensuring Safety for Sustainable Nuclear Development (India)
Nov. 17-21, 2008, Mumbai
LOWRAD 2008 - 7th Int'l Meeting on the Effects of Low Doses of Radiation in Biological Systems: New Perspectives on Human Exposure (Portugal)
Nov. 27-29, 2008, Lisbon
PIME 2009 - Meeting communications challenges, old & new (Scotland)
Feb. 15-17, 2009, Edinburgh
Int'l Conf on Control and Management of Inadvertent Radioactive Material in Scrap Metal (Spain)
Feb. 23-27, 2009, Tarragona
WM2009 - HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management (US)
Mar. 1-5, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
RRFM 2009 - 13th Int'l Topical Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (Austria)
Mar. 22-25, 2009, Vienna
International Symposium on Nuclear Security (Austria)
Mar. 30 - Apr. 3, 2009, Vienna
ANFM 2009 - Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management IV (US)
Apr. 12-15, 2009, Hilton Head Island, SC
KONTEC 2009 - 9th Int'l Symposium on Conditioning of Radioactive Operational & Decommissioning Wastes (Germany)
Apr. 15-17, 2009, Dresden
WNFC 2009 - World Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Australia)
Apr. 21-24, 2009, Sydney
ICAPP'09 - 2009 Int'l Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (Japan)
May 10-14, 2009, Tokyo
RAMTransport'09 - Radioactive Materials Transport (UK)
May 12-14, 2009, Manchester
Int'l Conf on Remediation of Land Contaminated by Radioactive Material/Residues (Kazakstan)
May 18-21, 2009, Astana
WNFM'09 - World Nuclear Fuel Market 2009 (Scotland)
May 31 - Jun. 1, 2009, Edinburgh
INC'09 - Int'l Nuclear Conf 2009 (Malaysia)
Jun. 29 - Jul. 1, 2009, Kuala Lumpur
Global 2009 - The Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Sustainable Options & Industrial Perspective (France)
Sept. 6-11, 2009, Paris
12th ICEM - Int'l Conf on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (UK)
Oct. 11-15, 2009, Liverpool
ISFNT9 - 9th Int'l Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (China)
Oct. 11-16, 2009, Dalian
More events...
A & WMA Calendar of events (US) EN
ANS Calendar of events (US) EN
ASME Meetings & Conferences (US) EN
BNES Calendar of events (UK) EN
Conferences on Atomic & Plasma Physics (Israel) EN
ENS Meeting Database (International) EN
IAEA Meetings Calendar (IAEA) EN
INEEL Calendar of events (US) EN
INMM Calendar of events (US) EN
INucE Calendar of events (UK) EN
JAIF Meetings Calendar (Japan) EN
LANL Upcoming Conferences & Meetings Guide (US) EN
Meetings & Conferences Online (US) EN
Meetings on Atomic Energy Database (IAEA) EN
MInd - The Meetings Index (US) EN
NEA Calendar of Meetings (International) EN
NRCan Events & Conferences List (Canada) EN
RRS Calendar of Meetings (US) EN
TechExpo Conference Info Center (US) EN
USDOE List of Energy Conferences & Symposia (US) EN
USNRC Public Meetings (US) EN
World Nuclear Association Conference Listings (International) EN
Event organizers
AC Planning (Japan) JP / EN
Bauer Congress & Management GmbH (Germany) DE
Coastal International Exhibition Co. (Hong Kong) EN
Congrex (Sweden) EN
ECI - Engineering Conferences International (US) EN
EU Conferences Ltd (UK) EN
KONTEC Gesellschaft für technische Kommunikation (Germany) DE / EN
LOI - Laser Options Inc (US) EN
NuclearConferences.com (UK) EN
Nuclear Events (UK) EN
RESTEC (Russia) RU / EN
Waste Management Symposia (US) EN
>>> See also the Past events page for
previous listings.
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(This page last updated 2009-02-11).