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Previous events & conferences archive
Waste Management '99 (US)
Feb. 28- March 4, 1999, Tucson, AZ (USA)
KONTEC '99 Conditioning of Radioactive Operational & Decommissioning Wastes (Germany)
March 15-17, 1999, Hamburg (Germany)
DODRAD 99 - 9th Annual Meeting of DOD LLRW Generators (US)
March 30-31, 1999, Albuquerque, NM (USA)
ICONE 7 - 7th Int'l Conference on Nuclear Engineering (Japan)
April 19-23, 1999, Tokyo
Workshop on Low-Level Waste Issues (US)
April 20, 1999, Concor, CA
April 22, 1999, Ontario, CA
8th Int'l Topical Meeting on Robotics & Remote Systems (US)
April 25-29, 1999, Pittsburgh, PA
IT3 - Int'l Conference on Incineration & Thermal Treatment (US)
May 10-14, 1999, Orlando, FL
Int'l Conference on Transporting Dangerous Goods (UK)
May 11-12, 1999, London
Int'l Symposium on MOX Fuel Cycle Technologies (Austria)
May 17-21, 1999, Vienna
Int'l Conference on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities (UK)
June 15-16, 1999, London
Decommissioning Experience (UK)
June 17, 1999, London
Summer Course on Management of Nuclear Materials & Wastes (US)
July 12-16, 1999, Berkeley, CA
Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems (US)
Aug. 1-5, 1999, Newport Beach, CA
ANL Decommissioning Training Course (US)
Aug. 2-6, 1999, Idaho Falls, ID
2nd Biannual Int'l Workshop on High Level RadWaste Management (Indonesia)
Aug. 10-12, 1999, Yogyakarta
Global'99 - International Conference on Future Nuclear Systems (US)
Aug. 29 - Sept. 3, 1999, Jackson, WY
Symposium on Technologies for the Management of Radioactive Wastes (South Korea)
Aug. 30 - Sept. 3, 1999, Taejon
2nd Topical Meeting on Decommissioning, Decontamination & Reutilization (US)
Sept. 12-16, 1999, Knoxville, TN
II TENR - 2nd International Symposium on Technologically Enhanced Radioactivity (Brazil)
Sept. 12-17, 1999, Rio de Janeiro
ICEM'99 (Japan)
Sept. 26-30, 1999, Nagoya
TOPSEAL'99 - International Topical Meeting on Radioactive Waste Management (Belgium)
Oct. 10-14, 1999, Antwerp
ICRS9 - 9th International Conf on Radiation Shielding (Japan)
Oct. 17-22, 1999, Tsukuba
International Workshop on the Disposition of High-Level Radioactive Waste Through Geologic Isolation (US)
Nov. 4-5, 1999, Irvine, CA
ANS Teachers' Workshop: Detecting Radiation in our Radioactive World (US)
Nov. 13, 1999, Costa Mesa, CA
International Symposium on Restoration of Environments with Radioactive Residues (US)
Nov. 29 - Dec. 3, 1999, Arlington, VA
20th Conf of the Nuclear Societies in Israel (Israel)
Dec. 20-21, 1999, Dead Sea Resort
Radiobiology 2000 (India)
Feb. 17-19, 2000, Trivandrum
WM 2K - Waste Management 2000 (US)
Feb. 27 - Mar. 2, 2000, Tucson, AZ
DODRAD 2000 (US)
Mar. 7-8, 2000, Williamsburg, VA,
International Conf on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management (Spain)
Mar. 13-17, 2000, Córdoba
Radioactive Waste Management - Sustainable Disposal or Tentative Solutions? (Switzerland)
Mar. 30, 2000, Berne
ICONE8 - 8th International Conf On Nuclear Engineering (US)
Apr. 2-6, 2000, Baltimore, MD
International Youth Nuclear Congress 2000 (Slovak Republic)
Apr. 9-14, 2000, Bratislava
UK Nuclear Waste Management: The Way Forward (UK)
Apr. 12, 2000, London
Safety Analysis Working Group Workshop 2000 (US)
Apr. 28-May 4, 2000, Santa Fe, NM
8th International Conference on Cold Fusion (Italy)
May 21-26, 2000, Lerici (La Spezia)
7th NDA Waste Characterization Conference (US)
May 23-25, 2000, Salt Lake City, UT
SWEMP 2000 - 6th Int'l Symposium on Environmental Issues & Waste Management (Canada)
May 30 - June 2, 2000, Calgary, AB
IDS 2000 - International Decommissioning Symposium (US)
June 12-16, 2000, Knoxville, TN
European Nuclear Fuel Management Seminar (Switzerland)
June 19-22, 2000, Zurich
Radioactive Waste Management & Decommissioning Summer School (UK)
July 3-7, 2000, Cambridge
Nuclear Waste & Energy (US)
July 16-21, 2000, New London, NH
Radiological Protection Summer School (UK)
July 17-21, 2000, Cambridge
World Congress on Medical Physics (US)
July 23-28, 2000, Chicago, IL
31st International Geological Congress (Brazil)
Aug. 6-17, 2000, Rio de Janeiro
MRS 2000 / The 24th International Symposium on Nuclear Waste Management (Australia)
Aug. 27-31, 2000, Sydney
Uranium Institute Symposium 2000 (UK)
Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2000, London
DisTec 2000 - International Conference on Radioactive Waste Disposal (Germany)
Sept. 4-6, 2000, Berlin
Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000 (Slovenia)
Sept. 11-14, 2000, Bled
The Scientific Basis for Radioactive Waste Disposal Systems (UK)
Sept. 11-15, 2000, Oxford
Nuclear Spent Fuel Academy (US)
Sept. 18-22, 2000, Atlanta, GA
Power Station Maintenance 2000 (UK)
Sept. 18-20, 2000, Oxford
Radioactive Waste Management: Turning Options into Solutions (Austria)
Sept. 19-20, 2000, Vienna
Spectrum 2000 - International Conf on Nuclear & Waste Management (US)
Sept. 24-28, 2000, Chattanooga, TN
ICENES 2000 - 10th International Conf on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (Netherlands)
Sept. 25-28, 2000, Petten
Safewaste 2000 (France)
Oct. 2-4, 2000, Montpellier Corum
5th Biennial Decommissioning Conference (US)
Oct. 8-11, 2000, Captiva Island, FL
Nuclear Future - Reflecting to Construct (Brazil)
Oct. 15-20, 2000, Rio de Janeiro
Radioactive Waste Management 2000 (UK)
Oct. 17-18, 2000, London
Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems (UK)
Oct. 22-26, 2000, Bournemouth
PBNC 2000 - Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (South Korea)
Oct. 29 - Nov. 2, 2000, Seoul
7th Intl Conference & Exhibition on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities (UK)
Oct. 30-31, 2000, London
RPC 2000 - Fifth Radiation Physics Conference (Egypt)
Nov. 5-9, 2000, Cairo
EUROSAFE 2000 - Forum for Nuclear Safety (Germany)
Nov. 6-7, 2000, Cologne
Nuclear Congress 2000 (UK)
Dec. 6-7, 2000, London
8th AIDN/INLA Regional Meeting on the Legal Implications of the management of radioactive waste & spent nuclear fuel (Germany)
Dec. 6-7, 2000, Potsdam
The 16th International Conf on Solid Waste Technology & Management (US)
Dec. 10-13, 2000, Philadelphia, PA
ANES 2000 - Americas Nuclear Energy Symposium (US)
Dec. 11-13, 2000, Miami, FL
6th OECD/NEA Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide & Fission Product Partitioning & Transmutation (Spain)
Dec. 11-13, 2000, Madrid
WM 01 - Waste Management 2001 (US)
Feb. 25 - Mar. 1, 2001, Tucson, AZ
ANL Decommissioning Training Course (US)
March 12-16, 2001, Las Vegas, NV
RIC 2001 - NRC 13th Annual Regulatory Information Conference (US)
March 12-14, 2001, Washington, DC
KONTEC 2001 - 5th International Symposium on Conditioning of Radioactive Operational & Decommissioning Wastes (Germany)
March 28-30, 2001, Berlin
Fallout from Atmospheric Nuclear Tests—Impact on Science & Society (US)
April 4-5, 2001, Arlington, VA
Deactivation & Decommissioning Focus Area 2001 Mid-Year Review & Decommissioning Symposium (US)
April 17-19, 2001, Miami, FL
V Congreso Regional Sobre Seguridad Radiológica y Nuclear (Brazil)
Apr. 29 - May 4, 2001, Recife / Pernambuco
IT3 2001 - International Conference on Incineration & Thermal Treatment Technologies (US)
May 14-18, 2001, Philadelphia, PA
IIS Symposium on Mixed & Low-Level Radioactive Waste (US)
May 17, 2001, Mason, OH
DODRAD 2001 - 11th Annual Meeting of DOD LLRW Generators (US)
May 22-23, 2001, St. Louis, MO
TopFuel 2001 (Sweden)
May 28-30, 2001, Stockholm
20th Annual Panasonic International Dosimetry Symposium (US)
June 4-8, 2001, Keystone, CO
Waste-Tech 2001 - 2nd International Trade Fair & Congress on Waste Management (Russia)
June 5-8, 2001, Moscow
SAWG Workshop 2001 (US)
June 14-21, 2001, Milwaukee, WI
EPRI International Low-Level Waste Conference (US)
June 25-27, 2001, Orlando, FL
Radioactive Waste Management & Decommissioning - 17th Annual Summer School (UK)
July 2-6, 2001, Cambridge
Int'l Conf on Topical Isues in Nuclear Safety (Austria)
Sept. 3-6, 2001, Vienna
PATRAM 2001 - 13th Int'l Symposium on the Packaging & Transportation of Radioactive Material (US)
Sept. 3-7, 2001, Chicago, IL
Inaugural Symposium of the World Nuclear Association [formerly the Uranium Institute] (UK)
Sept. 5-7, 2001, London
Natural Analogues: A Natural Paradigm for Nuclear Waste Management (France)
Sept. 6-7, 2001, Saint Quentin en Yvelines
Global 2001 - Int'l Conf on Back End of the Fuel Cycle (France)
Sept. 9-13, 2001, Paris
RADECS 2001 (France)
Sept. 10-14, 2001, Grenoble
Int'l Conf on Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2001 (Slovenia)
Sept. 10-13, 2001, Portoroz
SIEN'01 - Nuclear Energy Development in South-East Europe (Romania)
Sept. 14-15, 2001, Bucharest
MIGRATION'01 - 8th Int'l Conf on Chemistry & Migration Behaviour of Actinides & Fission Products in the Geosphere (Austria)
Sept. 16-21, 2001, Bregenz
NORM III - 3rd Int'l Symposium on Naturally Occuring Radioactive Materials (Belgium)
Sept. 17-21, 2001, Brussels
3rd BGA Geoenvironmental Engineering Conf (UK)
Sept. 17-19, 2001, Edinburgh
7th Int'l Conf on CANDU Fuel (Canada)
Sept. 23-27, 2001, Kingston
Int'l Workshop on Determination & Declaration of Nuclide Specific Activity Inventories in Radioactive Wastes (Germany)
Sept. 26-27, 2001, Cologne
ICEM'01 - 8th Int'l Conf on Radioactive Waste Management & Environmental Remediation (Belgium)
Sept. 30 - Oct 4, 2001, Bruges (Brugge)
Building New Nuclear Power Plants (US)
Oct. 1-3, 2001, Washington, DC
ICFRM 10 - 10th Int'l Conf on Fusion Reactor Materials (Germany)
Oct. 14-19, 2001, Baden-Baden
Global Spent Fuel Management Summit 2001 (US)
Oct. 15-17, 2001, Washington, DC
Nuclear Decom 2001 (UK)
Oct. 16-18, 2001, London
18th WEC - World Energy Congress (Argentina)
Oct. 21-25, 2001, Buenos Aires
ARWIF 2001 - Workshop on Advanced Reactors with Innovative Fuels (UK)
Oct. 22-24, 2001, Chester
29th Nuclear Safety Research Conf (US)
Oct. 22-24, 2001, Washington, DC
Annual Conf on Contaminated Soils, Sediments & Water (US)
Oct. 22-25, 2001, Amherst, MA
13th Annual Weapons Complex Monitor Waste Management Cleanup Decisionmakers’ Forum (US)
Oct. 22-25, 2001, Jacksonville, FL
4th Conf on Nuclear Science & Engineering in Australia (Australia)
Oct. 24-25, 2001, Sydney
Symposium on Mixed & Low-Level Radioactive Waste (US)
Oct. 25, 2001, Pearl River, NY
Actinides-2001 (Japan)
Nov. 4-9, 2001, Hayama
2001 Nuclear Science Symp & Medical Imaging Conf (US)
Nov. 4-10, 2001, San Diego, CA
2001 Eurosafe Forum (France)
Nov. 5-6, 2001, Paris
Int'l Conf on Management of Radioactive Waste from Non-Power Applications (Malta)
Nov. 5-9, 2001, St Paul's Bay
UK Waste: Going Forward (UK)
Nov. 7, 2001, London
Probabilistic Safety Assessments in the Nuclear Industry (UK)
Nov. 26-27, 2001, London
3rd Annual The Renaissance of Nuclear Power Conf. (US)
Dec. 10, 2001, Chicago, IL
Managing Radioactive Waste (UK)
Dec. 11-12, 2001, London
8th Environmental Management Nondestructive Assay Characterization Conf (US)
Dec. 11-13, 2001, Denver, CO
NIC 2001 - Applications of Radioisotopes & Radiation in the 21st Century (India)
Dec. 12-14, 2001, Mumbai
Int'l Symp on Radioactive Isotopes in Clinical Medicine & Research (Austria)
Jan. 8-11, 2002, Bad Gastein
Nuclear Power & its role within the energy strategies (UK)
Jan. 21-23, 2002, London
ENS-PIME 2002 - Meeting of Nuclear Communicators (Czech Republic)
Feb. 3-6, 2002, Prague
Irradiation for Food Safety (UK)
Feb. 7, 2002, London
WM'02 - 28th Annual Waste Management Symposium (US)
Feb. 24-28, 2002, Tucson, AZ