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Begin your journey on the internet with The Rail. This is junction 1360
on "The Science Expedition".
US nuclear power plants & utilities
There are currently approximately 110 nuclear power reactors in
operation in the United States, with a total output
of some 100,000 megawatts (about 20% of the total national electrical supply).
The links on this page point to commercial
nuclear power plants, including both private (investor owned) and
public (government owned) entities. At many of these sites, you can
find generic and site specific information about the design, operation
and performance of various reactor designs. It should be noted that
a given nuclear power plant may be owned or operated by a consortium
of electric utilities. In addition, many nuclear sites host more than
one reactor (often of different designs), which may be owned or
operated by different companies. Not all of the power plants have
"official" web sites. Click on the icons
for links to photos of the plant, on the
icons for links to technical information, and on the
, and
icons for additional information from
industry, anti-nuclear and government sources, respectively.
(Note, more than one icon can appear beside
the plant name, indicating links to several different sources.)